Go Dark For IE

The website you have come from has taken part in the Go Dark For IE campaign which aims to raise awareness of the implications of using older browsers and how it is hurting the web.


Old browsers hurt the web! They don't understand modern technologies, lack features, they're buggy, have security holes and prevent you from seeing the web the way it should be seen. Imagine if everyone didn't upgrade their TV or computer? It would mean all the great enhancements like HD, DVD's etc would all go to waste. Imagine what you'd be missing out on!

Using IE8 and below makes the web less than what it is. Potentially holding back the web!

Embrace The Modern Web

Upgrade your browser today!

Get Involved

Here are a few ways you can help rid the world of old versions of Internet Explorer

Spread the Word

Upgraded your browser? Tweet with the hashtag: #GoDarkForIE

Help less technically-savvy people understand and upgrade their browser

Most of us have family, friends and co-workers who don't even know what a web browser is. But that doesn't mean you should let them use an old browser. Explain the problem, and let them know that if they upgrade, the web will be much faster, safer, and useful for them. If need be help them upgrade their browser – let's be honest, they're not gonna do it themselves.

Tell your IT department

Is your IT department forcing you to use outdated software? Let them know you need a new web browser and that they're hurting the web and preventing you from viewing content the way it was meant to be viewed.